原生的EKS不支持NetworkPolicy,要借助一些插件比如Calico;即使支持了NetworkPolicy,也只能在一个EKS集群生效,如果多个EKS集群之间要进行通讯(VPC Peering或tgw),依然不能进行流量控制。例如,怎么允许clusterA
=> nsA
,支持跨集群的policy(cross-cluster network policy)。下面是一个例子:
apiVersion: cilium.io/v2
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: allow-cross-cluster
namespace: my-client
app: my-client
io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster: cluster-1
- toEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
app: my-server
io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster: cluster-2
This is the easiest way for applying Cilium CNI on a clean EKS cluster where only EKS add-ons including Amazon VPC CNI exist.
There is no worries for downtime when deleting VPC CNI (aws-node
daemonset) and then installing Cilium CNI on the cluster. More details can be referred to the section of EKS in https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/gettingstarted/k8s-install-helm/.
The downside is to migrate applications from the EKS cluster with Amazon VPC CNI to this new one with Cilium CNI. Most of times, this would be a pretty complicated process if zero downtime is required, especially for production environments.
Another option is to install Cilium CNI in CNI chaining mode which allows Cilium CNI working together with Amazon VPC CNI.
the AWS VPC CNI plugin is responsible for setting up the virtual network devices as well as for IP address management (IPAM) via ENIs. After the initial networking is setup for a given pod, the Cilium CNI plugin is called to attach eBPF programs to the network devices set up by the AWS VPC CNI plugin in order to enforce network policies, perform load-balancing and provide encryption.
Comparing to the 3rd option of replacing Amazon VPC CNI with Cilium CNI on the running EKS cluster, it only requires to refresh all the running Pods instead of nodes in the cluster after installing Cilium CNI. It has less effort and is easier to keep all applications zero-downtime when restarting Pods since they have multiple replicas and are guarded by PDB as well.
The drawback of this option is some advanced Cilium features may be limited, such as:
For more detailed instruction of installing CNI chaining with Amazon VPC CNI: https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.12/gettingstarted/cni-chaining-aws-cni/
Replacing Amazon VPC CNI with Cilium CNI on a running EKS cluster is a bit more complicated than the other two approaches.
This was inspired from how they migrated Meltwater’s production Kubernetes clusters — from the AWS VPC CNI plugin to Cilium .
The idea is to constrain Amazon VPC CNI (aws-node
Daemonset) running on existing nodes of the EKS cluster and ensure Cilium CNI (cilium
Daemonset) running on newly launched nodes only.
Then, the nodes with Amazon VPC CNI are drained and removed from the EKS cluster gradually and the Pods get rescheduled to newly launched nodes where only Cilium CNI runs.
Once all the nodes with Amazon VPC CNI get removed, Cilium CNI would be the only CNI in the EKS cluster. Therefore, the Amazon VPC CNI (aws-node
Daemonset) is able to be deleted safely.
The biggest benefit of this alternative is that all Cilium CNI features are available without any limit. Of course, it needs more manual steps since all the nodes needs to be refreshed.
At first, all running nodes in the EKS cluster should be labelled with cni-plugin=aws
in order to constrain the aws-node
Daemonset only runs on these nodes on the next step.
Here is my script to adding the label for all nodes in a loop with checking if the label already being added.
for NODE in $(kubectl get node --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}); do
LABELLED=$(kubectl get node $NODE -o json | jq '.metadata.labels | has("cni-plugin")')
if [ "$LABELLED" = "true" ]; then
LABEL_VALUE=$(kubectl get node $NODE -o json | jq -r '.metadata.labels.cni-plugin')
echo "Node $NODE already labelled: cni-plugin=$LABEL_VALUE"
kubectl label nodes $NODE cni-plugin=aws
After running the script, it can be verified with following commands that all nodes are labelled correctly.
# verify all nodes are labelled correctly
LABELLED_NODE_COUNT=$(kubectl get node -l cni-plugin=aws -o json | jq '.items | length')
ALL_NODE_COUNT=$(kubectl get node -o json | jq '.items | length')
echo "Not all nodes labelled."
echo "Labelled nodes: $LABELLED_NODE_COUNT, total: $ALL_NODE_COUNT"
exit 1
echo "All nodes are labelled."
The nodeAffinity
field in the Daemonset can be used for specifying which node the Daemonset Pods can run on, so the aws-node
Daemonset can be patched as:
kubectl patch daemonset aws-node -n kube-system --patch "$(cat aws-node-patch.yaml)"
Here is the content of aws-node-patch.yaml
- matchExpressions:
# This is to limit aws-node only running on the nodes
# with label cni-plugin=aws
- key: cni-plugin
operator: In
- aws
# These below are what aws-node already has
- key: kubernetes.io/os
operator: In
- linux
- key: kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- amd64
- arm64
- key: eks.amazonaws.com/compute-type
operator: NotIn
- fargate
With replacing Amazon VPC CNI, Cilium CNI needs to do the similar jobs that VPC CNI does for allocating AWS ENI IP addresses for each pods, so it needs to set eni.enabled=true
and tunnel=disabled
Meanwhile, the Daemonset of Cilium CNI needs to run on the node without the label cni-plugin=aws
on the contrary to Amazon VPC CNI.
helm install cilium cilium/cilium \
--version 1.12.4 \
--namespace kube-system \
-f cilium-values.yaml
Here is the contents of cilium-value.yaml
enabled: true
mode: eni
egressMasqueradeInterfaces: eth0
tunnel: disabled
- matchExpressions:
# This is to limit cilium only running on the nodes
# WITHOUT label cni-plugin=aws
- key: cni-plugin
operator: NotIn
- aws
For more installing options, please refer to https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.12/gettingstarted/k8s-install-helm/
After running the helm install, the cilium
command can be used to check the installation status.
cilium status --wait
And the pod count of cilium
Daemonset is supposed to be 0, but it might be other values if a new node is launched in the meantime. So I use following commands to double check:
# validate cilium daemonset only runs on unlabelled nodes
DESIRED_COUNT=$(kubectl get daemonset cilium -n kube-system -o json | jq '.status.desiredNumberScheduled')
UNLABELLED_NODE_COUNT=$(kubectl get nodes -l '!cni-plugin' -o json | jq '.items | length')
echo "cilium daemonset should ONLY run on unlabelled nodes."
Now, the nodes with the label cni-plugin=aws
can be deleted one by one and the Pods would be rescheduled automatically.
For removing a node from a Kubernetes cluster safely, each node with the label cni-plugin=aws
needs to be cordoned, drained and deleted with kubectl
and then terminated from the auto scaling group with following commands.
echo "cordon the node: $NODE"
kubectl cordon $NODE
echo "drain the node: $NODE"
kubectl drain $NODE --delete-local-data --ignore-daemonsets --force
echo "remove the node from EKS cluster: $NODE"
kubectl delete node $NODE
NODE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
--region=$REGION \
--filter Name=private-dns-name,Values=$NODE --no-cli-pager \
| jq -r ".Reservations[0].Instances[0].InstanceId")
echo "take the node out of autoscaling group: $NODE ($NODE_ID)"
aws autoscaling terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group \
--region=$REGION \
--instance-id $NODE_ID \
--should-decrement-desired-capacity \
Several things need to be verified in the process of refreshing nodes:
Daemonset get decreased after deleting a labelled node;cilium
Daemonset get increased if a new node is launched and added to the cluster;cilium status
to check the status of cilium Daemonset, cilium-operator, cluster pods, etc;When all lablled node get deleted from the EKS cluster, the Amazon VPC CNI (aws-node
Daemonset) is good to be deleted as well.
# validate aws-node daemonset has 0 pods
DESIRED_COUNT=$(kubectl get daemonset aws-node -n kube-system -o json | jq '.status.desiredNumberScheduled')
if [ ! "$DESIRED_COUNT" = "0" ]; then
echo "aws-node still runs on some nodes, please referesh all nodes before deleting it."
exit 1
echo "No pod of aws-node is running, safely delete it."
kubectl delete daemonset aws-node -n kube-system
As Amazon VPC CNI is an add-on of the EKS cluster, now it can be removed from AWS console as well.
After completing all the migration steps, the EKS cluster runs on top of Cilium CNI only and all Cilium features are in hands.